How To Store Sweaters and Jumpers + More Winter Clothes Storage Ideas

How To Store Sweaters and Jumpers + More Winter Clothes Storage Ideas

As the temperature rises and summer approaches, it's time to bid farewell to our cosy sweaters and jumpers until the colder months return. Storing away your jumpers and sweaters that will remain unused for this part of the year is a great tidying practice to make your wardrobe space and home feel less cluttered. However, proper storage is crucial to ensure that these garments remain in excellent condition until they're needed again. In this guide, we will explore the best practices for storing your sweaters and jumpers during the summer months to protect them from damage. By following these tips, you can ensure that your favourite winter knits are ready to keep you warm and stylish for many seasons to come. For more seasonal decluttering tips, check out our expert guide to home organisation and decluttering.

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How To Store Sweaters & Jumpers: 3 Easy Steps To Get Started

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Step 1 - Clean & Repair

Before storing your sweaters, jumpers and hoodies away, it's essential to give them a thorough cleaning. Follow the care instructions on the labels to wash or dry clean each garment. Cleaning helps remove any dirt, oils, or stains that can attract pests and cause damage during storage. Additionally, inspect each sweater for any loose buttons, snags, or small tears and mend them to prevent further damage. Discard any garments that are damaged beyond repair.

Step 2 - Choose the Right Storage Space

Finding the perfect storage space for your winter clothes is crucial for maintaining their quality. Ideally, select a cool, dark, and dry area in your closet away from direct sunlight. Sunlight can fade colours and weaken fibres over time, while moisture can lead to mould and mildew growth. Consider adding a reed diffuser or other home fragrance product to your storage space to keep the clothes smelling fresh.

Step 3 - Low on Closet Space? Invest in Storage Containers!

Investing in proper storage containers is essential for safeguarding your sweaters and jumpers if you have minimal space for storage in your closet. Opt for breathable containers made from natural materials. These containers allow air circulation, preventing the growth of mould and mildew. Avoid plastic containers, as they can trap moisture and potentially damage your garments. Remember to label each container for easy identification and retrieval when winter returns.

How To Maximise Your Closet Space For More Storage

While storing away clothes seasonally is a great method for making your closet space feel less cluttered, not all of us are blessed with a large enough wardrobe to accommodate the additional storage space. If you're struggling to find space in your closet to store away your winter clothes, consider some of the following tips:

  • Declutter your closet: Start by going through your closet and removing any items that you no longer wear or use. This will create more space for your winter clothing. Consider creating a capsule wardrobe to cull any unworn garments and create more permanent space in your closet for pieces you love and consistently reach for.
  • Use vacuum storage bags: These bags can compress your sweaters and jumpers to save space. Simply place your clothing inside the bags, seal them, and use a vacuum cleaner to suck out the air.
  • Invest in hanging shelves: Hanging shelves are a great way to add more storage space to your closet. They hang from your closet rod and have multiple compartments, perfect for storing your winter clothing.
  • Utilise under-bed storage: If you have limited closet space, consider storing your sweaters and jumpers under your bed.
  • Make use of shelf dividers: Shelf dividers can help keep your sweaters and jumpers neatly stacked on shelves. This will prevent them from falling over and taking up more space than necessary.
  • Donate or sell unwanted items: Finally, consider donating or selling any winter clothing that you no longer wear.

Hanging vs. Folding Sweaters

Both hanging and folding methods have their advantages when it comes to storing sweaters and jumpers. Hanging is suitable for lighter knits or when you need to maximise closet space, whilst folding is the preferred method for maintaining the shape and preventing stretching. Consider the fabric, weight, and condition of your garments when deciding which method to use. By following these tips, you can ensure that your sweaters and jumpers are stored properly, and ready to be worn again when the colder seasons arrive.

How To Hang Jumpers & Sweaters

While folding is generally the preferred method for storing sweaters and jumpers, there are certain instances where hanging can be suitable. Here are some tips on how to best hang your winter knits:

  1. Choose the Right Hangers: When opting to hang your sweaters and jumpers, it's vital to select the appropriate hangers. Avoid using wire hangers, as they can stretch and distort the shape of your garments. Instead, opt for padded hangers or those specifically designed for hanging knits. These hangers provide better support and help maintain the shape of your sweaters.
  2. Use Sweater Guards or Clips: To prevent shoulder bumps and maintain the garment's shape, consider using sweater guards or clips. These accessories attach to the shoulders of the sweater and help distribute the weight evenly, minimising stretching and distortion. Be sure to use only gentle clips or guards that won't damage the fabric.
  3. Fold Over the Hanger: To avoid unwanted stretching along the shoulders, fold your sweater or jumper in half lengthwise and drape it over the hanger. This technique reduces stress on the shoulders and helps maintain the garment's shape.
  4. Avoid Overcrowding: Ensure that you don't overcrowd your closet or storage area when hanging sweaters. Leaving enough space between each garment allows for air circulation and prevents excessive wrinkling or stretching. Overcrowding can lead to misshapen sweaters and make it difficult to locate specific items when needed.

How To Fold Jumpers & Sweaters

Folding is the preferred method for storing most sweaters and jumpers as it helps maintain their shape and prevents stretching. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to properly fold your winter knits:

  1. Lay the Sweater Flat: Start by laying your sweater or jumper on a clean, flat surface. Smooth out any wrinkles or creases to ensure a neat fold.
  2. Button or Zip Up: If your sweater has buttons or a zipper, fasten them before folding. This will help maintain the shape and prevent any stress on the fabric.
  3. Fold the Sleeves: Take one sleeve and fold it straight across the back of the sweater, aligning it with the opposite shoulder. Repeat with the other sleeve so that they overlap in the middle of the sweater.
  4. Fold in Half: Fold the sweater in half vertically, bringing the bottom hem up to meet the neckline. Ensure that the sleeves are tucked neatly inside the fold.
  5. Add Acid-Free Tissue Paper: To prevent creases and absorb any excess moisture, place acid-free tissue paper in between each fold. This will help maintain the shape and quality of your sweaters.
  6. Store in a Container: Once folded, place your sweaters in breathable storage containers. Ensure that the containers are clean and dry before placing your folded sweaters inside. Remember to label the containers for easy identification.

Additional Considerations for Storing Winter Clothes

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If you own knitwear garments made from delicate or natural materials such as wool or cashmere, you may want to take into account these additional tips for keeping your sweaters & jumpers in pristine condition during storage:

  • Temperature and Humidity Control: Maintaining a stable environment within your storage space is vital to preserve the quality of your sweaters and jumpers. Extreme temperatures and humidity can cause fibres to weaken and degrade over time. Consider using temperature and humidity control devices, such as dehumidifiers or moisture absorbers, to regulate the storage area. This will help prevent moisture buildup and protect your garments from potential damage.
  • Regular Inspection: While your sweaters and jumpers are safely stored away, occasional inspections are crucial to catch any potential issues early on. Every few months, take the time to check for signs of pests, mould, or any other damage. If you discover any problems, address them promptly to prevent further harm. By staying vigilant, you can ensure that your garments remain in top condition and ready to wear when the colder weather returns.
  • Rotation: To prevent excessive wear and ensure that all your sweaters and jumpers receive equal use, consider rotating your winter knits throughout the season. Every few weeks, swap out the sweaters you're wearing for fresh ones from storage. This rotation will help distribute the wear and tear, ensuring that no single garment becomes excessively worn or damaged. It's also a great way to establish your favourite wardrobe pieces and discard or donate any items that you're rarely reaching for.

Invest in the Right Storage Solutions For Your Wardrobe

Properly storing your sweaters and jumpers during the summer months is essential to maintain their quality and prolong their lifespan with the additional benefit of freeing up space in your closet. With the above tips and tricks, you can maximise closet space and preserve your favourite sweaters and jumpers. No matter what storage method you opt for, with these tips you can keep your closet organised and your winter wardrobe in pristine condition. Shop great wardrobe and laundry organisation and storage solutions from the range at Harris Scarfe. You can find great products such as storage baskets, storage trolleys, vacuum seal bags and more - shop online or in-store today!
