Slow Fashion: How To Make Your Favourite Clothes Last Longer

Slow Fashion: How To Make Your Favourite Clothes Last Longer

We've all experienced the disappointment of a beloved or recently purchased garment losing its charm - becoming worn, frayed, and less comfortable after a few washes. If you've ever wondered what the secret is to keep that expensive pure wool knit sweater or those delicate lace bras looking perfect for years to come, you're in the right place. From blouses to pants to knits and delicates, this blog will explore the principles of slow fashion, prioritising durability over trends. We'll walk you through some tips for selecting quality pieces that will last, as well as how to optimally wash, care for and store your clothes, prolonging their lifespan significantly.

We'll provide hands-on insights into selecting quality clothing, building a long-lasting wardrobe, and mastering the art of proper care. From understanding the best, longest-lasting fabric compositions to efficient storage, our goal is to equip you with the knowledge to ensure your favourite pieces withstand the test of time.

What is slow fashion?

In the fast-paced fashion industry, the concept of "slow fashion" has emerged as a counter-movement, advocating for a more deliberate and conscious approach to clothing consumption. Unlike fast fashion, slow fashion is rooted in principles of sustainability, durability, and ethical production. It encourages consumers to re-evaluate their purchasing habits, focusing on the long-term impact of their choices. Understanding slow fashion involves recognising the value of quality over quantity, timeless design, and the importance of ethical practices in the fashion industry.

The Foundation: How To Choose Quality Clothing That Lasts

When it comes to building a wardrobe that stands the test of time, the cornerstone is the quality of the clothing. Here we explore the key factors to consider when evaluating the durability and longevity of a garment.

Fabric Matters

The foundation of a quality garment lies in the materials from which it is crafted. Discerning consumers understand the importance of fabric compositions in determining the durability and comfort of clothing. Natural fibres such as cotton, wool, and silk are prized for their breathability, resistance to wear, and overall longevity. Recognising and prioritising these materials is a fundamental step in choosing clothing that will endure.

Pay Attention to Seams and Stitching

A garment's structural integrity is closely tied to the craftsmanship of its seams and stitching. Well-constructed seams are not only an aesthetic detail but also a crucial factor in ensuring the durability of the clothing. Learn how to inspect seams for straight, secure stitches and look for reinforced seams in high-stress areas. By understanding these details, you can make informed decisions about the longevity of your purchase.

Shop From Australian Slow Fashion Brands

In the quest for quality, it's essential to consider the values and practices of the brands we support. Independent and slow fashion brands prioritise the planet and the people involved in production. Spend some time identifying these brands by looking for certifications like Fair Trade, eco-friendly initiatives, and transparent supply chain practices. By supporting Australian slow-fashion brands, we contribute to the overall movement towards a less wasteful and more responsible fashion industry.

Build a Lasting Capsule Wardrobe

A basic white blouse and black cardigan are staples of a capsule wardrobe

Building a capsule wardrobe that's designed to last years is the epitome of slow fashion. Our comprehensive capsule wardrobe guide provides a roadmap for curating a collection of women's clothing that transcends trends and endures through seasons.

Versatile Pieces

The foundation of a capsule wardrobe lies in its versatility. Discover the art of selecting garments that seamlessly integrate into various outfits, minimising the need for an extensive and constantly changing closet. Emphasis is placed on investing in key pieces that can be mixed and matched to create a range of looks, promoting a more sustainable and mindful approach to personal style.

Timeless Styles

Timelessness is a key characteristic of a lasting wardrobe. Decide what timeless means to you, and begin to explore classic cuts, neutral colours, and enduring styles that suit your style and will remain relevant year after year. By choosing items that withstand the ebb and flow of trends, you can build a wardrobe that stands the test of time in terms of durability and style.

Garment Longevity vs. Trends

It's important to discern between those garments that are truly timeless and those that are merely trendy. Prioritise the longevity of a garment over fleeting trends. By understanding the balance between your own personal style and enduring fashion, you can cultivate a wardrobe that reflects your individuality while contributing to a more mindful fashion industry.

How To Care for Your Clothes: The Ultimate Wash & Care Guide

Taking care of your clothes is a crucial aspect of slow fashion. Proper maintenance not only preserves the aesthetic appeal of your garments but also extends their lifespan. Read on to find some valuable insights into caring for different types of clothing, from everyday essentials to delicate fabrics.

12 Laundry Tips For Making Your Clothes Last Longer

Preserving the longevity of your clothes begins with understanding the right laundering techniques. Here we explore the best practices for washing, drying, and ironing your garments with 12 of our top tips for maintaining your clothes correctly.

Washing Guidelines

  • Tip 1 - Follow Care Labels: Always adhere to the care labels on your garments. They provide essential information about the recommended washing temperature, detergent type, and any specific instructions for that particular fabric.
  • Tip 2 - Cold Water Wash: Whenever possible, opt for a cold water wash. This helps retain the vibrancy of colours and prevents shrinkage, especially in garments made from natural fibres.
  • Tip 3 - Mild Detergents: Choose mild, eco-friendly detergents to minimise the impact on both the environment and your clothes. Harsh chemicals can contribute to fabric degradation over time.

Drying and Ironing Tips

  • Tip 4 - Air-Dry When Possible: Whenever feasible, air-dry your clothes. This gentle method reduces the wear and tear caused by machine drying and helps maintain the integrity of delicate fabrics.
  • Tip 5 - Low Heat Ironing: Iron garments at a low heat setting to prevent damage to fibres. For certain fabrics, like silk, consider using a pressing cloth to add an extra layer of protection. You may also wish to consider investing in a garment steamer for keeping your clothes extra fresh between washes.

Clothing Stain Removal Tips

Accidents happen, but how you deal with stains can make a significant difference in the lifespan of your clothes.

  • Tip 6 - Act Quickly: Attend to stains as soon as possible. The longer a stain sits, the more challenging it becomes to remove.
  • Tip 7- Blot, Don't Rub: When dealing with a stain, blot it gently instead of rubbing. Rubbing can spread the stain and damage the fabric.
  • Tip 8 - Natural Stain Removers: Consider using natural stain removers like lemon juice, white vinegar, or baking soda. These alternatives are effective without the harsh chemicals found in many commercial stain removers.
  • Tip 9 - Spot Test: Before applying any stain remover, perform a spot test on an inconspicuous area to ensure it won't cause discolouration or damage.

Tips For Handling Delicates

Delicate fabrics require extra care to maintain their beauty and longevity. Check out our top tips below, and for a full rundown, visit our lingerie and delicates wash guide.

  • Tip 10 - Handwash Your Intimates & Use Gentle Detergents: Opt for a gentle, mild detergent specifically designed for delicate fabrics.
  • Tip 11 - Cold Water: Hand Wash delicates in cold water to prevent shrinking and colour fading.
  • Tip 12 - Air-Dry: Allow delicate items to air-dry to avoid potential damage caused by heat and tumbling.

The Art of Storage To Make Your Clothes Last Longer

Khoko Basics Women's Extended Sleeve Cotton Print Tee

Proper storage is a key element in the quest for a lasting wardrobe. Discover effective storage techniques for different types of garments, ensuring that your clothes stay in impeccable condition season after season.

How To Store Knitwear

Knitwear requires special attention to prevent stretching and maintain its shape. If you're looking for more tips in this area, we have a comprehensive guide on how to store sweaters and jumpers, as well as other winter clothing.

  • Fold, Don't Hang: Knitwear is best folded to prevent stretching. Hanging can distort the shape of the garment over time.
  • Breathable Storage Bags or Boxes: Use breathable storage bags or boxes to protect knitwear from dust and pests. This is particularly important during the off-season.
  • Avoid Wire Hangers: Refrain from using wire hangers, as they can leave indentations and compromise the integrity of knit garments.
  • Preventing Pilling: To keep knitwear looking pristine, address the issue of piling. Avoid hanging knit garments next to rough surfaces, as friction can lead to piling. Additionally, consider investing in a fabric shaver to gently remove any existing pills and restore the garment's original appearance.

How To Store Pants and Bottoms

Properly storing pants and bottoms helps preserve their structure and prevents unnecessary wrinkles. Here are some effective storage practices for trousers, jeans, and skirts.

  • Hang by the Waist: Hang pants by the waist to preserve their shape. Use padded hangers or clips to avoid creating creases.
  • Folded Storage: For items that are best folded, store them in drawers or on shelves. Place heavier items at the bottom to prevent wrinkles.

How To Store Tops and Blouses

Maintaining the shape of tops and blouses is essential for a polished appearance.

  • Sturdy Hangers: Hang tops on sturdy hangers to maintain their form. Consider using non-slip hangers to prevent items from slipping off.
  • Group Similar Items: Keep like items together to create an organised and easily accessible wardrobe. This helps in reducing search time and wear on individual pieces.

How To Store Intimates

Delicate lingerie and undergarments benefit from specialised storage to avoid damage.

  • Flat Storage: Store bras flat or in a designated lingerie drawer to maintain their shape. Avoid overcrowding to prevent distortion.
  • Individual Compartments: Delicate lingerie should be stored in individual compartments to prevent tangling and snagging. This helps retain the original condition of each piece.

Repairing and Upcycling Your Clothes

Light, medium and dark wash denim essentials

Repairing and upcycling are essential skills in the slow fashion toolkit. Mending and repurposing can breathe new life into well-loved garments, contributing to a sustainable wardrobe.

Learn Basic Sewing Skills For Easy Repairs

Learn basic sewing skills to mend small tears, replace buttons, and address minor damages. This not only extends the life of your clothes but also reduces the need for frequent replacements.

How To Repurpose Old Garments

Get creative with old garments by transforming them into new and unique items. Whether turning a worn-out shirt into a stylish tote bag or repurposing denim into a trendy jacket, upcycling adds a personal touch to your wardrobe while reducing waste.

Learn To Craft & Care For A Wardrobe that Lasts

Adopting the principles of slow fashion is a meaningful choice with far-reaching impacts. We hope by now we have helped to capture the essence of slow fashion - from choosing quality clothing and building a lasting capsule wardrobe to caring for and storing your clothes. By embracing slow fashion, you contribute to a more mindful approach to clothing consumption, where each garment becomes an integral part of a conscious and enduring lifestyle. As you embark on your journey towards a lasting wardrobe, remember that every thoughtful choice brings you closer to a place where quality prevails, trends are timeless, and your favourite pieces stay intact and look great for years to come.
