Five At-Home Bodyweight Exercises That Will Transform Your Gym Routine

Five At-Home Bodyweight Exercises That Will Transform Your Gym Routine

When it comes to working out, the idea of commuting to a gym and tackling tough equipment can quickly zap that precious moment of motivation you need to get started. Whether you're a beginner who is more comfortable exercising at home, or simply too time-poor to fit another trip into your busy schedule, home workouts that require only your own bodyweight can pack a massive punch.

Excited to boost your fitness without needing anything but yourself? We've got the perfect guide to make bodyweight exercises a breeze!

The basics of bodyweight

Five At-Home Bodyweight Exercises That Will Transform Your Gym Routine

A staple of functional fitness, bodyweight exercises offer anyone an accessible, affordable and effective means to keep healthy. Muscular strength is improved by the force of moving your bodyweight against gravity. Also, the efficiency of being able to switch more rapidly between moves (thanks to no weights or straps) maintains an elevated heart rate, boosting kilojoule burning potential.

This brilliant method of training means you can improve endurance, strength and build up a sweat with no need to pay for equipment or a gym membership - and what's not to love about exercising in the convenience and comfort of your own home?

Getting in the zone

Now that you know the benefits of bodyweight workouts, it's time to hop into your gym wear and feel the motivation kick in.

Pop on gym clothes that are comfy, breathable and supportive. Then, select a stable athletic shoe that keeps your feet well-grounded and offers some flexibility. Our extensive sportswear range offers gym wear and shoes that provide the perfect fit.

Once you're dressed it's important to take a moment to pause, breathe deep and take a look in the mirror. See yourself as energized, empowered and ready to crush your workout.

Finally, warming up is essential. Jog on the spot and complete jumping jacks for a few minutes to get your blood circulating and muscles awakened. Ready? Let's go!

5 simple bodyweight exercises that will get your body pumping

Five At-Home Bodyweight Exercises That Will Transform Your Gym Routine


Does it get any better than a squat? This single move targets your full body - working the glutes, quads, hamstrings and core.

  1. Position your feet just further that shoulder-width apart
  2. Stand tall and roll your shoulders back and down
  3. Raise your arms parallel to the floor, straight out in front with palms facing down
  4. Look straight ahead and bend at the hips and knees, as if you were about to sit down in a chair
  5. Maintain a neutral spine as your behind extends backwards, keeping your knees in line with your toes
  6. Squat low until your thighs are parallel to the floor
  7. Tighten your core, press your heels into the ground and stand upright
  8. Repeat 10 times



Brilliant for beginners, the lunge builds lower-body strength, balance and stability.

  1. Stand straight with your core tight and feet hip-width apart
  2. Take a large step forward with your left leg, lowering your body as both knees bend
  3. Once both knees are at a 90-degree angle, support your bodyweight with the left leg and push up through your left foot to stand tall at starting position
  4. Alternate legs and repeat 10 times on each side



Push-ups are fast and effective at achieving full-body activation. Holding the position engages the core while training the chest, arms and shoulders.

  1. Begin on all fours with your hands just wider than shoulder-width apart
  2. Brace your core and extend your legs backward so you are balanced on your toes
  3. Keeping your elbows slightly bent, lower your body steadily to the floor until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle
  4. Remaining straight from head to toe without arching your back, push back up through the hands
  5. Repeat 10 times



Planks are a powerful choice. One of the best ab workouts around, planks strengthen the entire body and even improve posture.

  1. Starting in the same position as a push-up with hands and toes planted firmly, engage your core and squeeze your glutes to keep steady
  2. Look at the floor slightly in front of your hands to keep a neutral spine and maintain a straight line from head to toe
  3. Repeat 6 times, for 20 seconds each hold



Intensely effective, burpees are a real winner for getting your heart rate up while developing muscle strength across your upper and lower body. Your hamstrings, glutes, quads, abs, chest, shoulders and arms will be thanking you!

  1. Begin by lowering into a squat
  2. Jump powerfully, reaching your arms up and straight overhead. Land softly in squat position again with your knees wider than shoulder-width apart, allowing your hands to be placed on the floor
  3. With your hands planted firmly, kick your legs out straight behind you to form a plank
  4. Complete a push-up then jump your feet in towards your hands
  5. Jump once more with arms overhead
  6. As you land, immediately lower into a squat for the next burpee
  7. Repeat 10 times


Complete these exercises for three rounds and enjoy the health benefits of your blood-pumping bodyweight workout routine!

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